How Hargerstown MD Jailbonds Work

by | May 21, 2013 | Financial Services

If you’ve been arrested, in order to be released from jail you will typically have to post bail. The severity of the charges, as well as your risk of fleeing, will determine how much your bail will be. However, if you lack sufficient funds to make bail and you don’t have generous friends or family members that will provide the money to bail you out of jail, you can always contact a bail bondsman to secure payment for your bail.

If you’re curious how Jailbonds Hagerstown MD work, the process is actually quite simple. Upon contacting a jail bonds specialist, the bondsman will post your bail to have you released from jail. Once they’ve posted bail, you will be required to pay the bail bondsman the amount of money they paid to have you released from jail. There will typically be a 10% service charge on the amount they pay to have you released.

To cover the cost of some of the bail – the bail bondsman will accept collateral. Collateral can be something small, like an engagement ring, or something large, like the title to your car or even the equity in your home. Collateral may also be required if the bail bondsman is worred that you will try to skip your court day – he or she will hope that their rights to your property will be enough to get you to keep you court date.

In some cases, the bondsman will reduce the costs they have to pay by existing agreements between the bail bondsman and the court. However, apart from offering the financial means to having you released from jail, the court requires the bail bondsman to be responsible for you appearing before the court at the stipulated time.

If you don’t appear in court, the bondsman may hire someone to track you down – this person is called a bounty hunger. This is usually done in connection with a bench warrant that will be issued by the court to compel you to return to the court to answer not only for your initial charges, but also for your failure to appear at your appointed court date.

Many people can’t afford their intial bail costs. With the help of a Jailbonds Hagerstown MD service, you can wait for your court date from the comfort of your home.



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