As a business owner, you should have a couple of easy to obtain goals when it comes to utilizing a portable credit card reader. You should want ease of use, reliability, durability and quick transactions. Business owners that provide retail goods and products or...
Kathleen Jones
Trusted Business Accounting in Morristown
Utilizing trusted business accounting in Morristown area will help to improve how you do business. As a business owner you are faced with a constant onslaught of decision making, financial questions, cash flow issues and on top of it all is the desire to grow your...
Human Resources and Your Business
The day-to-day running of a company is imperative to stay in business. You have to worry about payroll, days off, vacation, personal days, taxes, along with many other things. A lot of companies have done away with human resources at their location and have outsourced...
The Basics of Equity Crowdfunding
Equity crowdfunding is the process is which the crowd will invest in a company that is in its early stage in exchange for large shares for that particular company. A shareholder will then have partial ownership of that company and has the potential to profit if the...
Advice for Kids of Seniors
Those who have children in or heading to college and retired parents are often called the “sandwich generation.” Wherever you search, all you’re able to see is extra expenses. In the harsh economy over the last couple of years--with retirement savings and home values...